Laguna de Bay sediment group discusses new updates, models and observations
June 17, 2022
During the 2nd meeting of the Laguna de Bay sediment group last June 16, 2022, Dr. Eugene Herrera (UP Diliman) and Dr. Atsuhiro Yorozuya (ICHARM), both members of the Group presented their current works.
Also present at the meeting were Dr. Naito Kensuke, Dr. Aida Kentaro, Dr. Nagumo Naoko, Dr. Menglu Qin, Dr. Harada Daisuke (all from ICHARM) and Ms. Shimizu (University of Shiga Prefecture) from Japan side. The Philippine side, on the other hand was represented by Dr. Patricia Ann Sanchez (Project Manager), Dr. Aurelio A. Delos-Reyes, Jr. (Group 3 Member), Dr. Eugene Herrera (UP Diliman Member), Ms. Catherine B. Gigantone (UPLB IdSC Water) and Mr. Julius Angelo Galang (Project Assistant).
A quick review and update from the previous meeting last May 12, 2022 was conducted before proceeding to the presentations. New tasks were assigned to particular teams (e.g. Japan Team, UPLB Team, UP Diliman Team). These include continued locating of sites for measurement, bringing students to participate in the study, etc.
Dr. Yorozuya started the presentations with his current study about the behavior of fine sediment. He shared a theoretical model he is working on and compared it with current models from previous studies. These were further validated using observation of actual phenomena from boats or through remote sensing such as satellites and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s). Areas for further explorations as inquired by Dr. Herrera were the testing of the methodology on lakes as well as its ability to identify cause of turbidity.
Dr. Herrera then proceeded to share his own study which also utilizes field observation and numerical modelling but with specific focus on Material Transport Dynamics of Laguna Lake. He first enumerated some of the Lake's issues (e.g. too much, turbidity, too much wastes) which were identified to have caused the changes in Laguna Lake over the years. These changes were quantified through hydrodynamic models bathymetric evolution scenario simulation which in turn were validated and continuously monitored by meteorological, hydrodynamic and water quality surveys.
A third regular meeting is tentatively set on July 13 where Dr. Naito and Ms. Gigantone will be presenting their own studies in relation the Laguna de Bay sediment efforts. The team hopes to complete and successfully integrate these models into the final output of the project.