UPLB IdSC Water hosts the visit of the JICA Senior Representative
June 14, 2022
The University of the Philippines Los Banos Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Water (UPLB IdSC Water) hosted the visit of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to UPLB on May 31, 2022.
Mr. Yanagiuchi Masanari, recently took over from Ms. Ohshima Ayumu as JICA Philipines Senior Representative. The courtesy visit is in relation to the project for the Development of a Hybrid Water-Related Disaster Risk Assessment Technology for Sustainable Local Economic Development Policy under Climate Change in the Philippines (HyDEPP-SATREPS). UPLB IdSC Water is the Principal Research Organization and JICA is the main funding agency in the Philippines.
Dr. Patricia Sanchez (Project Manager and UPLB IdSC Chair) together with the water center staffs welcomed the visitors at their SESAM office and briefly introduced the center as well as its ongoing projects.
They then proceeded to the newly finished HyDEPP-SATREPS office at the Ornamental Crops Nursery (OCN) building where they are welcomed by Dr. Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr. (Project Director) and the other staffs related to HyDEPP-SATREPS. This is the same facility where the Project Server to be provided by JICA will be installed.
Dr. Fernando Sanchez and Dr. Patricia Sanchez continued by presenting an introduction and summary of the project to Mr. Yanaguichi. They also shared the current updates and efforts of the project in the Philippine side such as the data and samples collection as well as the partnerships with local government agencies.
The visit ended with a tour around the UPLB Campus including the Makiling Botanic Gardens (MBG) where a suitable location for data collection (e.g. waterflow, water quality) is located.
JICA and UPLB are both looking forward to the accomplishment of targets for the year (including the installation of the server) and to further strengthen the partnerships with the all stakeholders for successful implementation of the project.