HyDEPP SATREPS presents at the ICFM 9
February 20, 2023
Representatives of the HyDEPP SATREPS project presented the project at the International Conference on Flood Management in Tsukuba, Japan. The conference is an international event attended by various institutions across the world to exchanges ideas and current practices in flood related concerns. It is held every 3 years with this year's host being the International Center for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM).
Though the conference is composed of several institutions each with their own projects to present, a special session is provided for HyDEPP SATREPS as a key project of ICHARM. Project Director Dr. Fernando Sanchez, Jr. (Philippine side) presented about the project in general while Project Leaders Dr. Miho Ohara (Japan side) and Project Manager Dr. Patricia Ann Sanchez (Philippine side) shared specific efforts related to the project namely the e-learning sessions and the locally funded counterpart projects respectively.
Other presentors were Dr. Eugene Herrera (UP Diliiman) as well as ICHARM Researchers Dr. Aida Kentaro and Dr. Nagumo Naoko. Engr. Vicente Ballaran, Jr., a former Philippine project member currently under scholarship in ICHARM also presented his research related to the project.
Aside from being able to show the current progress of the project, the team also hopes to be able to gain more connections with other interested researchers to collaborate in the project for the remaining 3 years.