HyDEPP: UPLB IdSC Water submits project proposal for local DOST funding
April 1, 2022
As part of the local efforts for the HyDEPP SATREPS project, a project proposal for funding of the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) was submitted last March 29, 2022. The proposal, entitled: HyDEPP Database: A Data Collection and Sharing Web-portal for Water-related information on Natural and Social Environments is specifically for the development of a single web portal consolidating all water-data available in the country. This is among the activities of Group 1: Data Collection and Sharing.
The proposal was first formulated by Dr. Patricia Sanchez, Project Manager of HyDEPP SATREPS, after realizing the scatteredness and inaccesibility of existing water-related data from various agencies in the country. Although the consolidation effort of the portal is primarily for the HyDEPP-SATEPS, the portal is planned to operate even after the project for all other institutions conducting water-related research. The proposal was submitted to one of DOST's Call for Proposals, namely the PCIEERD Grants-In-Aid Program for 2024 funding.
By the time of submission, UPLB IdSC has already secured a partnership agreement with the UPLB Information Technology Center (ITC) who will take over portal development, web design and system administration. The proposal has been forwarded to council on March 30 and is still awaiting feedback and approval.