HyDEPP: UPLB IdSC Water meets with UPLB Information Technology Center (ITC) for possible collaboration
March 15, 2022
The UPLB IdSC arranged a meeting to invite the UPLB ITC to take part in a DOST Project Proposal they are currently working on. The project is intended to provide the Philippine counterpart of databasing for the project. UPLB ITC agreed to take over the development and maintenance of the database.
Collection and analysis of water-related data is one of the key activities of the HyDEPP-SATREPS project. This is what lead to the conception of the HyDEPP Database: A Data Collection and Sharing Web-portal for Water-related information on Natural and Social Environments in the Philippines which intends to secure funding from DOST to manage all the existing water data across the country through a single, uniform web portal. This is where the technical expertise of the UPLB ITC becomes crucial.
Representatives of UPLB IdSC during the meeting were Dr. Patricia Ann J. Sanchez (Chair of IdSC Water Chair and Project Manager of HyDEPP-SATREPS) and Mr. Julius Angelo Galang, Project Assistant. UPLB ITC, on the other hand, was represented by Prof. Danilo J. Mercado, Director and Mr. Alexander Balatibat, Operations Head.
Moving forward, even though primarily initiated to aid in the conduct of the bigger HyDEPP SATREPS project, the web portal will continue to operate even after completion of the project and available for access to other institutions and/or individuals planning to conduct water-related research.