HyDEPP-SATREPS revisits Pampanga area with Group 2: Flood and Drought Risk Assessment
December 1, 2022
After the second visit to Sta. Cruz, Laguna, the same HyDEPP SATREPS Team from Group 2: Flood and Drought Risk Assessment proceeded to Candaba, Pampanga for the same purposes. The visit, which occurred from November 26 -29, 2022 consisted of five barangay offices as well as ocular visit to several agricultural areas in the municipality. There was also a follow up visit to the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist Mr. Jomar Guevarra whom the team also met last September.
Mr. Guevarra was also the one who assisted the team during the visit to each barangay. Beforehand, he already coordinated with each brgy. official in order to prepare for the visit. The barangays visited were namely: Brgy Talang led by Hon. Eduardo Simbulan (Brgy. Captain); Brgy. San Agustin; Brgy. Magumbali; Brgy. Mandili and Brgy. Barangca led by Hon. Ronaldo Turla (Brgy. Captain) and Hon. Floren Punzalan (Brgy. Secretary). Since the day of the visit was on weekend, some officials were not able to come but was represented instead by the local farmers’ association leaders.
Like in Sta. Cruz, Laguna, the team also obtained information about the situation of each area in terms of agriculture and livelihood and how they are affected by floods and droughts. The same set of questions such as number of households and percentage among engaged in agriculture, existence of farmers’ associations, machineries available for farming, frequency of planting, main crops, etc, were asked especially to the local farmers.
After the visits, Dr. Homma also moved to visit the rice fields in each area just like in Sta. Cruz, Laguna. For the Pampanga area in particular, he was able to go even to areas beyond the ones which they conducted the interview (i.e. other barangays) as well as areas outside Candaba, Pampanga. This is particularly important considering the fact that Candaba is surrounded by highland areas making it prone to flooding waters coming down from these surrounding areas during strong rains.