HyDEPP-SATREPS field visit to Laguna sites
September 26, 2022
Delegates from the International Center for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), headed by joined its Philippine counterpart, the University of the Philippines Los Banos Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Water (UPLB IdSC Water), for a whole day visit to some of the target project sites in Laguna on September 26, 2022. The visit consisted of meetings with local government unit (LGU) officials, observation of flood-prone areas and viewing of rivers draining to laguna lake under selected bridges. They were also joined by the team of the DOST-funded local counterpart research Impact Assessment of floods and droughts in Selected Agricultural Municipalities in Laguna”.
Despite several provinces including Laguna being hit by the recent Typhoon Karding a day before the scheduled visit, the activities all went almost exactly as planned with a few minor adjustments. The day started with a simple breakfast at the HyDEPP SATREPS office at the Ornamental Crops Nursery Building which was attended by Dr. Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr. (Project Director) and Dr. Patricia Ann J. Sanchez (Project Manager). Dr. Fernando Sanchez was unable to join the visits due to prior commitment to another project during the same day. Dr. Patricia Sanchez and Dr. Maria Angeles Catelo (Group 4 Leader and Project Leader of the DOST-funded project) joined instead to head the Philippine side in his place.
Areas visited were Brgys. Gatid, Bagumbayan and Santisima Cruz all in Sta. Cruz Laguna. Among these three, only in Santisima Cruz was the Brgy. Head (Hon. Josefina Alfonso) was able to accommodate the research team for a meeting. Hon. Alfonso and several Brgy. Councilors participated in the discussion facilitated by Dr. Miho Ohara (Japan Project Leader) to introduce the project. Officials from the other barangays were understandably pre occupied with responding to the effects of the typhoon. The initially planned courtesy visit to the Municipal Mayor of Sta. Cruz was also cancelled for the same reason.
Instead, the team took the opportunity to take a look around the areas in order to observe first hand the effects of the typhoon. The team looked at the flood-prone areas on each brgy guided by the local officials. They were also able to see several bridges above rivers draining to laguna lake. These bridges are the Santisima bridge and Sta. Cruz bridge both overlooking Sta. Cruz River and Balanac bridge and Lumban bridge both overlooking Pagsanjan river. This was specifically requested by Dr. Kensuke Naito of ICHARM for the purpose of determining possible areas for taking measurements (e.g. water level, sedimentation, etc). Dr. Naito was also able to take drone shots along the areas where it was permitted for a better view of the Laguna Lake.
The day then ended with a dinner at Pagsanjan, where Dr. Fernando Sanchez was able to attend to commend the team after a very productive trip around the Laguna project sites. The team aims to have a better picture of the next steps for the project after the onsite visits. Pampanga sites will be visited for the next two days.