HyDEPP-SATREPS finishes e-Learning 2022 lectures and Q&A with the 3rd Session
August 18, 2022
The International Center for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) together with the UPLB Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Water (UPLB IdSC Water), the partner agencies (DOST-PAGASA, DPWH, LLDA, MMDA) as well as the other members of the project gathered via Zoom for the third time for E-learning 2022. As all lectures were finished during the previous session, the third session consisted of Q&A for the participants to clarify things about the lectures especially with regards to the assignment from Course 2. The session also served as an opportunity for ICHARM to invite interested persons into their ongoing programs (PhD and MS) with partner universities in Japan.
Japan side was still led by Dr. Miho Ohara (Project Leader, Japan side), Dr. Shrestha Badri Bhakta and Dr. Kensuke Naito who jointly facilitated the questions given by the participants. Ms. Makiko Ohashi (Project Coordinator from JICA) was present together with the members of UPLB IdSC Water and of the HyDEPP SATREPS project from the Philippine side. Partner agencies are still well-represented by their staff, who actively asked questions during the session. Dr. Patricia Ann Sanchez (Project Manager) was not able to attend due to fieldwork for another project.
Dr. Ohara announced the current number of participants who have completed each of the courses. There were 56 passers for exam 1, 17 passers for exam 3 and at least 5 submissions of course 2 assignment as of the date. Dr. Ohara commended those who have completed each course and encourage the others to finish as well. She then relayed the schedules of the remaining parts of the e-learning (e.g. deadline of submission, date of closing session, etc)
The session then proceeded to the Q&A faciliated by Dr. Naito. Among the questions raised, mostly by staff of the partner agencies, were on how to convert the generated models into more user friendly interfaces (e.g. google earth), how to handle human errors on rri model building and where can certain data be downloaded. These were answered mostly by Dr. Shrestha and Dr. Ohara.
ICHARM also demonstrated again Dr. Aida Kentaro's Google Earth Engine which the partner agencies of possibly the research students may find useful. During the last part, Dr. Ohara also took the opportunity to invite anyone interested in their ongoing Phd ans MS programs in Japan. Dr. Vicente Ballaran, Jr., a faculty in UP Los Banos and members of Group 2: Flood and Drought Risk Assessment was among those who were able to benefit from this program.
ICHARM looks forward for the participants to complete all three courses as this is required to be able to join the training in Japan which they are currently arranging in coordination with UPLB IdSC Water.