HyDEPP-SATREPS field visit to Pampanga sites
September 27, 2022
Right after the visit to the Laguna Project sites, the HyDEPP SATREPS team proceeded to the province of Pampanga the following day September 27, 2022 to visit the offices and sites of interest in the area. Same with Laguna, the team was also able to get first hand observations of the aftermaths of a typhoon in the area since Pampanga was also among the provinces hit by typhoon Karding. It was also fortunate for the team that the offices scheduled to be visited were all able to accommodate them during the two-day trip.
The team was still composed of the International Center for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) headed by Dr. Miho Ohara and the University of the Philippines Los Banos Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Water (UPLB IdSC Water) headed by Dr. Patricia Ann J. Sanchez.
On Day 1, the visits consisted of Dr. Rowena Kassem of the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPA), Mr. Zacarias Daniel and Mr. Robin Francisco of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO) and Mr. Hilton T. Hernando of the Pampanga River Basin Flood Forecasting and Water Center (PRFFWC) all in San Fernando Pampanga. Dr. Ohara, Dr. Sanchez and Engr. Vicente D. Ballaran, Jr. (Philippine Project Member currently taking his PhD in Japan through ICHARM’s program) introduced the project and exchanged ideas with the point persons. The team was able to obtain fresh insights on the project as well as other inputs from the local experts in the respective areas. It also made way to strengthen collaboration with the research team and theses local government offices.
On Day 2, the team headed to the Municipal Hall of Candaba, Pampanga to meet with Mr. Jomar Y. Guevarra, Municipal Agriculturist. Still facilitated by Dr. Ohara, Dr. Sanchez and Engr. Ballaran, the meeting was a fruitful one with the entire Municipal Agriculture Office looking forward to participating in the activities of the project and articulate the specific needs of their community. Other project members present also took the opportunity to talk with the other personnel in the office to get additional insights and information from them.
After the meeting, Mr. Guevarra guided the team to check the areas affected by typhoon Karding where photos of inundated roads, rice fields, etc were taken. Dr. Kensuke Naito was again able to take multiple drone shots in the area. Lastly, on the way back, the team stopped by two bridges (Candaba Bridge and Candaba-Sta. Ana Rd) overlooking the Pampanga River.
The ICHARM Team was then dropped off at Makati where they will stay until the next day before flying back home to Japan. The team is now eager to consolidate and work on all the data and information gathered as they approach to achieving the target output of the project.