HyDEPP: ICHARM hosts meeting for Japan and Philippines project members for update on UPLB server room status and settings
March 28, 2022
The International Center for Water Hazards and Risk Management (ICHARM) from Japan initiated and spearheaded the meeting with the Philippine members to update the current status of the project particularly the server room in UPLB. The room is now on its final stage of inspection before being turned over from the contractor to UPLB. With this, technical and logistics details of the server to be installed were discussed.
Key members both from Japan (ICHARM and JICA) and Philippines (UPLB IdSC Water) attended the meeting. As new partners for the project, UPLB ITC also had delegates on the meeting. Dr. Fernando C. Sanchez Jr, Project Director for the Philippines side, as well as Group 1 Leaders Dr. Masaki Yasukawa (Japan) and Dr. Roger Luyun (Philippines) were also present.
Dr. Sanchez Jr committed the server room to be ready for installation and occupancy by April 2022. After this, ICHARM presented the technical specifications of the server to be installed and inquired on details regarding IP address to which Prof. Danilo Mercado of UPLB ITC responded. Afterwards, Ms. Makiko Ohashi JICA, explained the procurement and logistics plans for the servers from Japan, particularly with regards to importation and customs clearance. Lastly, core administration team for the server was identified comprising Dr. Fernando Sanchez Jr, Prof Danilo Mercado, Dr. Patricia Sanchez, and Dr. Roger Luyun liaised by Mr. Julius Galang, JICA Project Assistant.