HyDEPP SATREPS opens the e-Learning session for 2022
July 28, 2022
The International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), as the principal research organization of the HyDEPP SATREPS project in Japan hosted the opening session of the 2nd batch of the E-learning sessions. The main purpose of the event is to provide basic skills and understanding of the existing technologies in Japan that will be utilized in the project for the benefit of the counterpart country - the Philippines. Opening session consisted of lectures on disaster risk reduction as well as introduction to the hydrological models with a briefing on how the rest of the training will proceed. Two more sessions are set on August 10 and August 18 respectively. The 1st batch was held last July-August 2021.
Dr. Miho Ohara (Project Leader, Japan side) facilitated the training together with other ICHARM members Dr. Katsunori Tamakawa (Member, Group 1 Japan side) and Dr. Toshio Koike (Executive Director of ICHARM). Other ICHARM members Dr. Mamoru Miyamoto and Takuya Inoue, though absent during the meeting, presented through their recorded videos.
Dr. Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr. (Project Director, Philippine side), who gave the welcoming remarks, was also present. Other attendees from UPLB were Dr. Patricia Ann J. Sanchez (Project Manager) as well as members of the UPLB Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Water (UPLB IdSC Water). Project members as well as their undergraduate/graduate students (whom they invited) were also present. All partner agencies (DOST-PAGASA, DPWH, LLDA, MMDA) were all able to send their delegates as well.
The topics discussed were "Basics of Hydrological Models and Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation Model", "Use of hazard/risk info for flood disaster risk reduction in Japan", the "Benefits of investing in disaster risk reduction", among others. A 3D Flood Hazard simulation map for the city of Saporro was also demonstrated. At the last part, the participants were introduced to the DIAS website where the lectures and videos can be readily accessed. It also contains the exams that each participant will need to take and pass in order to be given a certificate for each of the three courses.
ICHARM and UPLB hopes to spark the interest of the participants, especially the newcomers, in contributing to the endeavors of the HyDEPP SATREPS project and to managing water-related disasters in the Philippines in general.