HyDEPP-SATREPS continues e-Learning 2022 with 2nd Session
August 10, 2022
The International Center for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) together with the UPLB Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Water (UPLB IdSC Water), the partner agencies (DOST-PAGASA, DPWH, LLDA, MMDA) as well as the other members of the project continued this year's batch of the e-Learning with the 2nd session. The training provided a general overview on how to use system, models and tools to be used for the project particularly the Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation (RRI) Model, data management (sharing/uploading/downloading) through the DIAS (Data Integration and Analysis System) as well as 2D and 3D flood hazard mapping.
Japan side was still led by Dr. Miho Ohara (Project Leader, Japan side) together with Project Members from ICHARM Dr. Shrestha Badri Bhakta, Dr. Katsunori Tamakawa, Dr. Kensuke Naito and Dr. Naoko Nagumo. Dr. Masaki Yasukawa from the University of Tokyo and currently the Leader of Group 1: Data Collection and Sharing from Japan side was not present in the meeting but his part in the lecture was presented through a recorded video instead.
Dr. Patricia Sanchez (Project Manager) and Ms. Makiko Ohashi (Project Coordinator from JICA) also attended together with the members of UPLB IdSC Water and of the HyDEPP SATREPS project from the Philippine side. Partner agencies remain to have strong attendance from their staff as well. Most participants were also attendees of the opening session while a few joined the session for the first time.
The 2nd session is composed of hands-on training on the use of the RRI Model as well as data management through DIAS. Flood hazard mapping then follows. The design of the training, however, is for each participant to learn the system and tools on his/her own by accessing the lecture and instruction materials on the DIAS website. The zoom training session only provided a brief lecture on how to use the tools. A special assignment/project is then required to be submitted by each participant to ICHARM as final output of their learnings. ICHARM will evaluate each of the submitted projects and decide which ones have passed and will therefore be given a certificate. Detailed procedures for the special project was discussed by Dr. Ohara during the zoom session.
As a more challenging task than the first session, this activity is expected to capacitate both current and prospect members of the project in actual modelling and processing of water-related data.