HyDEPP-SATREPS successfully concludes the Agricultural, River Flow, and Lake Monitoring Equipment Seminar in line with the arrival of equipment
March 26, 2024
The HyDEPP-SATREPS Project Philippines side received a batch of equipment from Japan brought by Dr. Miho Ohara (Project Leader) & Dr. Naoko Nagumo from the University of Tokyo, and Dr. Kensuke Naito & Mr. Jonathan Serrano from ICHARM on March 12, 2024. In line with equipment arrival, the project team organized the hybrid set-up Agricultural, River Flow, and Lake Monitoring Equipment Seminar last March 13, 2024, to explain how to use equipment to the project members. In addition, the seminar allowed discussion of monitoring plans in target areas this year. Aside from the Japanese counterparts, attendees of the seminar include Dr. Fernando C. Sanchez, Jr. (Project Director), Dr. Patricia Ann J. Sanchez (Project Manager), Dr. Roger A. Luyun (Group 1 Leader), Dr. Rubenito M. Lampayan (Group 2 Leader), Dr. Maria Angeles O. Catelo (Group 4 Leader), project members and students from UPLB, UP Diliman, UP Mindanao, and ICHARM. The seminar was also attended by Ms. Chihiro Motatani and Ms. Mariebel Dulay from the JICA Philippines Office, Ms. Atsuko Himeno (Project Coordinator), and Forester Rochelle Lantican (Project Assistant).
The three-part seminar started with opening remarks by Dr. Ohara, highlighting the equipment that has arrived so far and will arrive in the following months. She and Ms. Mototani also reminded project members of basic instructions before, during, and after using equipment to maintain durability and ensure longevity.
The Agricultural Monitoring Equipment Lecture, which is the first session of the seminar, was led by Dr. Ohara. She emphasized the areas where agricultural monitoring is considered in the project, including Engr. Vicente Ballaran, Jr.’s study in Sta. Maria, Laguna. Three pieces of equipment were shown and taught how to use to participants: plant canopy analyzer, chlorophyll meter, and handheld TDR soil moisture sensor. The project team also discussed proposals and further observations in the Laguna area.
In the afternoon session, the River Flow Monitoring Equipment Lecture was spearheaded by all Japanese researchers. Dr. Ohara first provided an overview of specific outputs where the equipment will contribute to data collection then followed by presenting the tripod, gear head, and phone mount clip for flow monitoring using a smartphone, handheld current meter, and laser rangefinder. Dr. Nagumo and Dr. Naito also reminded project members about precautions when using the mentioned equipment. Plans for ADCP training were discussed as part of the river flow monitoring efforts of the project.
Lastly, for the Lake Monitoring Equipment Lecture, the Japanese members gave a run-through of the Unit 3-D: Laguna Lake Sediment Group and a recap of its activities last September 2023. They featured how to use the turbidity meter, test water tank, and bottom sampler with a drop-weight system. They also gave participants hands-on experience in putting batteries in the turbidity meter.
Ms. Mototani officially ended the program with closing remarks, by expressing her gratitude to Japanese researchers' efforts to bring the equipment to the Philippines and to attendees for their active participation.
After the seminar, the project team had a short meeting to discuss proposals and next steps of the project. Participants also reflected on the seminar and shared what they learned and personal ideas that may contribute to the study.
As mentioned by Dr. Ohara, “This is just the start of measurement”. The HyDEPP-SATREPS team hopes to utilize the equipment, actively continue research activities in the Philippines, and have fruitful joint research to achieve the project's overall objectives.