Group 4 holds meeting for survey preparations
April 25, 2023
The HyDEPP-SATREPS Group 4 (Sustainable Local Economic Development) held an online meeting last March 28, 2023 with Dr. Miho Ohara (Project Leader), Dr. Ma. Angeles O. Catelo (Study Leader Philippine Side), Dr. Tomohiro Tanaka (Study Leader Japan Side), r. Sumita Tsuyoshi (Group 2 Member), Ms. Therese Olviga, and Ms. Jessa O. Aquino in preparation for survey activities to be conducted in this year. Ms. Makiko Ohashi (JICA Expert) and Forester Rochelle Lantican (new JICA Project Assistant), also joined the meeting.
The group discussed activities for this year particularly from April to December for the three study sites and highlighted the preparation of questionnaires and surveys for Pampanga and Pasig-Marikina. Dr. Catelo shared how they conducted surveys in Laguna such as courtesy calls to LGUs, determination of household size, and factors considered in questionnaires (e.g. flooding experiences, source of livelihood whether farming or fishing, damage to properties). Dr. Ohara, Dr. Tanaka and Dr. Tsuyoshi also had discussions with Dr. Catelo for more information and clarifications. Ms. Ohashi also shared her thoughts based on experiences for effective conduct of activities in localities.
The group hopes to produce good questionnaires and perform surveys properly during field visits this year.